VRB Exchange helps investors defer capital gains tax on the sale of their business or investment property. As Charter Title’s 1031 Exchange company, VRB Exchange, LLC has managed simple exchanges to the most intricate and demanding transactions.
If you are planning to sell real estate investment property and would like to defer capital gains and tax, you should consider the benefits of participating in a tax-deferred 1031 exchange. Consult with your accountant, tax preparer or legal advisor to see if it is a good fit. If you and your tax preparer have decided it makes financial sense, we offer complimentary consultations – call us today. We look forward to discussing strategies on deferring capital gains and how we can help. We will work hand in hand with your attorney or accountant to ensure your 1031 Exchange runs smoothly and is executed properly.
There are many benefits to using VRB Exchange, LLC:
-Ability to execute exchanges nation-wide
-We treat your money like it’s our own
-After the money is with us, we’ll make sure all the paperwork is drafted correctly and money arrives on time for closing
-Most valuable is our expertise. Our dedicated staff has extensive knowledge on how exchanges have been executed in the past